Bayside Brewing Co.

Age Verification

Are you 19 years of age or older?

A can of Tilt'n Kilt'n IPA being held up in front of a building.

Tilt’N Kilt’N IPA

Indian Pale Ale

ABV 5% IBU 42

A red can of Orchard Cherry Lager held up in an orchard.

Orchard Cherry Lager

Fruit Lager

ABV 4.1% IBU 11

A blue can of Long Pond Lager held over a lake.

Long Pond Lager

Canadian Lager

ABV 5% IBU 13


Deep Divot Clear Lager

Clear Lager

ABV 4% IBU 11

A yellow can of Lighthouse Light Lager on a rocky beach.

Lighthouse Light

Light Lager

ABV 4% IBU 11

A green can of Honey Cream Ale in front of a bicycle.

Honey Cream Ale

Cream Ale

ABV 5% IBU 14

Can of Bronzeback Ale with Glass in front of brick wall

Bronzeback Ale

Dark Ale

ABV 6% IBU 18